
Huawei LUNA2000 DCDC control module

5,076.28  brutto (4,127.06  netto)

6 in stock

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Weight12 kg
Dimensions67 × 15 × 24 cm

Degree of protection (IP)


Huawei LUNA2000 DCDC control module

The Huawei LUNA2000 DCDC control module is used to build an intelligent energy storage system using the Huawei Luna2000 power bank. The module controls the charging and discharging processes of the battery pack. The module power is 5 kW and the standard battery capacity in the set is 5 kWh.

The Huawei LUNA2000 DCDC module can store and release electricity according to the requirements of the inverter management system. The entire system is integrated, gives the possibility of flexible capacity expansion to a maximum of 3 battery modules and a usable capacity of 15 kWh. It is also possible to connect two systems in parallel up to a capacity of 30 kWh.

Distinguishing features of the product:

  • Simple assembly into the Luna2000 storage system
  • Quick start-up, full automation
  • Automatic mapping via app.
  • 100% depth of discharge
  • LFP battery technology
  • Optimization of energy consumption at the module level
  • Modular design, system capacity from 5 to 15kWh
  • Scalable up to 30 kWh

The Huawei LUNA2000 battery uses lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cells for added safety. It is characterized by a unique appearance. Each power bank module has a built-in optimizer and manages charging and discharging independently. Old and new power bank modules can be used together, making full use of the potential of each.

To complete the energy storage, you need to buy:
Huawei LUNA2000 battery 5kWh
DTSU 666-H smart power meter



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