
About us

Bet on quality

At Solmix, we focus on the quality of the equipment we offer. We work only with the best Component Manufacturers.

Why is it worth working with us?
-We guarantee the implementation of orders within 5 working days
-We offer polycrystalline and monocrystalline modules from leading manufacturers
-We work with experienced assembly teams that will ensure efficient and safe assembly of photovoltaic installations

farma fotowoltaiczna - projekt i kompleksowa realizacja inwestycji - budowa farm fotowoltaicznych

Bet on ecology

Photovoltaics is an opportunity for a better tomorrow, for a cleaner and ecological world. If you are not indifferent to the fate of the environment and the Earth, you want to breathe clean air and pay lower energy bills at the same time.
Choose Solmix solar panels!


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